
Collaborate, communicate and develop international projects


Todos los proyectos Erasmus+ están cofinanciados por la Unión Europea. Las opiniones y puntos de vista expresados en esta web sólo comprometen a su autor (Escola Vedruna Navàs) y no reflejan necesariamente los de la Unión Europea ni los del Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE). Ni la Unión Europea ni la Agencia Nacional SEPIE pueden ser considerados responsables de ellos”.

Acreditació Erasmus+

La nostra escola ha estat recentment atorgada amb l’acreditació Erasmus+ 2023-2027 que proporcionarà accés a programes d’intercanvi de manera contínua durant els propers 5 cursos acadèmics a alumnes i professorat. Aquesta és una aposta del centre per tal de garantir una millora a la nostra qualitat educativa i metodològica.

Aquesta acreditació es basa en sis objectius principals. El primer objectiu és  Augmentar el nombre de professors amb certificats de llengua anglesa. Considerem que actualment, és de vital importància implicar els professors de totes les àrees en projectes internacionals, com poden ser Erasmus+ i eTwinning, per tal d’assegurar la implementació d’aquests en el dia a dia del centre i garantir que més alumnes hi puguin tenir accés.

En segon lloc, el nostre centre aposta per obtenir el distintiu d’Escola Verda per tal de millorar la consciència de tota la comunitat educativa respecte als Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible (ODSs) de l’Agenda 2030 i creiem que aquesta és una aposta de futur per a tots nosaltres.

El tercer objectiu fa referència a la transferència lingüística per tal de millorar l’aprenentatge entre les tres quatre llengües que s’ensenyen al centre: català, castellà, anglès i francès, i millorar així la coordinació entre el professorat de les matèries.

El següents dos objectius fan referència a la millora de les noves metodologies d’aprenentatge i l’ús de les tecnologies digitals per fer alumnes més competents, creatius, entusiastes i potenciar el seu talent.

Finalment, apostem per la inclusió de tot l’alumnat no només amb el projecte en sí com s’havia fet fins al moment, sinó també dins les mobilitats del programa, ja que fins al moment, només podien viatjar una part petita de l’alumnat. D’aquesta manera, assegurem que els alumnes tinguin un accés a noves cultures, maneres de pensar i viure, i sobretot que fomentin l’ús de l’anglès com a llengua vehicular dins el projecte i les mobilitats.

What is Erasmus+?

Erasmus+ is the European Union’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Its budget of €14.7 billion will provide opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, and gain experience abroad.

In terms of schools, Erasmus+ implies that students have the opportunity to work collaboratively on a common project for two years with foreign schools. Within these 2 years students travel to the other countries and spend one week living and sharing experience with students from local schools.

The possibility of sharing experiences with people from other countries is a source of motivation for both teachers and students, having a positive effect on the school. On one hand, students use English language all the time, thus improving their oral skills. English is nowadays a Lingua Franca and they’ll need to master it in the future.

On the other, the participation in European projects is a valuable opportunity to help developing more tolerant and respectful future citizens. We always encourage our students to know, appreciate and respect other cultures and ways of living.


If you are interested in participating in a project with us, please let us know by sending an e-mail to . We would be pleased to give you some more details and the course curriculum if needed.

Anna Biosca / Emma Gisbert

Internationalisation coordinator (IC), who is in charge of the mobility team and the mobility project.

E-mail: /

Irene Vall

The school principal, who represents the first level of decision.


Moisès Parcerisa

Member of the Mobility Team


2014-2016 : Inimation in clay. To see the final product of this project go to:

2018-2019: Developing leadership and team skills through sports 

(Demanat però no concedit i dut a terme com a projecte Etwinning)

2019-2022: Diving into Digital Language Learning (DIDLL). L’escola participarà en el DIDLL fins el juny del 2022.

Aquest projecte està cofinançat pel programa Erasmus+ de la Unió Europea. El contingut de la pàgina web és responsabilitat exclusiva de l’EDN i ni la Comissió Europea ni el Servei Espanyol per la Internacionalització de l’Educació (SEPIE) són responsables de l’ús que pot fer-se de la informació difosa aquí.

El proyecto “Diving Into Digital Language Learning” está cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea. El contenido de pàgina web es responsabilidad exclusiva del la Escuela Diocesana de Navàs y ni la Comisión Europea, ni el Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE) son responsables del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida.


Globalization and mass production have distanced people enormously from the origins of things and nature: from materials, from food, from crafts, from knowledge, etc. This disconnection also encourages young people to underestimate products in general and have a vision of only economic value. Furthermore, this gap is also distancing them from national and regional traditions and culture and from local crafts and produce, as well as from healthy living habits. The main goal of this project is to work on local and sustainable production, national and regional traditions, culture and healthy living habits, following the ODS 3, 8, 12 and 15 and therefore raise awareness of production processes taking into account the best seasonal and greener solutions (pollution), both at the level of food production, textile and other areas, in order to value much more the products we use / we buy and reduce overproduction.
Students will learn to produce themselves, emphasizing local and seasonal products, to change and improve our habits as consumers. They will also learn about reducing, recycling and upcycling, in order to change production and consumption patterns.
The project name has been made up and voted by the students. Among 9 names, the most voted one is GREEN STEP.
Mens Sana in Corpore Sano is an interdisciplinary Erasmus and eTwinning project that binds together the subjects of Science and English for the students of 3rd of ESO. This project is carried out together with  Zespół Szkół Katolickich im. Jana Pawła II (Łódź, Poland).

This project is aimed at enhancing the knowledge and to raise awareness about SDG 3 regarding good health and well-being. In the first semester, students will analyze their eating and sporting habits in order for them to realise how they can be improved. At the end of the project, students will analyse their own eating habits again and reflect if their health and wellbeing has improved or not. This is a crucial step because at this age, teenagers start to decide what they eat and their eating habits become altered and are less healthy than what they used to be.

Several activities and actions will take place in the first semester regarding food and we will finish with physical activity in the second semester. The mobility of some of our students in Poland will take place in April and it will be used as an exchange of good practises amongst students to culminate with this project.

Students will mainly work collaboratively in groups of four and will exchange their tasks with the partner schools online. Communication will be established using TwinSpace and its forums. English will be used at all times and therefore, we will focus on the written and spoken form of the language.


Hands on Our Future, is an Erasmus project aimed at enhancing students’ awareness towards SDGs, while focusing on broadening their cultural awareness, tolerance and respect towards other cultures and also improving their digital and educational learning. There will be three main topics that students will work on: sustainable development (first term), digital learning (second term) and learning outside the classroom (third term), which will coincide with the three student mobilities. This project will be carried out together with OŠ Gustava Šiliha (Laporje, Slovenia) and Scoala Gimnaziala ”Otilia Cazimir” (Iasi, Romania).

Students will mainly work collaboratively in groups of four and will exchange their tasks with the partner schools online. Communication will be established using the TwinSpace platform and its forums and all tasks evaluated with a rubric. English will be used at all times and therefore, teachers will focus on the written and spoken form. In the mobilities, students will share, exchange and create different tasks that will enhance their educational learning.

The main objectives for learners are as follows:

– To understand and be able to communicate how lifestyle choices influence social, economic and environmental development.

– To understand the roles, rights, and duties of different actors in production and consumption. Learners will be able to communicate the need for sustainable strategies and practices regarding consumption and production.

– To be able to plan, implement, and evaluate sustainable consumption-related activities.

– To be able to challenge cultural and societal trends in consumption and production.

– To acquire a better understanding of the English language and improve communication skills, both orally and in written form, while using formal and informal registers.

– To be more competent at a digital level.

This project has in its essence some benefits for the community, such as:

–  An excellent framework for addressing controversial and complex local, national and international issues, especially those that present a global–local tension.

–  Sharing learning about the SDGs can engage and strengthen relationships with parents, communities and businesses and between these different groups.

–  Providing a context for, and link with, local community or business engagement projects, such as zero-waste initiatives, refugee support groups or biodiversity action plans.

–  Raising awareness of and support for local, national or global activities, such as pre-existing and ongoing community engagement, to achieve progress towards the SDG targets.

Students are very eager to start this new adventure together.

Hands on Our Future, is an Erasmus project aimed at enhancing students’ awareness towards SDGs, while focusing on broadening their cultural awareness, tolerance and respect towards other cultures and also improving their digital and educational learning. There will be three main topics that students will work on: sustainable development (first term), digital learning (second term) and learning outside the classroom (third term), which will coincide with the three student mobilities. This project will be carried out together with OŠ Gustava Šiliha (Laporje, Slovenia) and Scoala Gimnaziala ”Otilia Cazimir” (Iasi, Romania).

Students will mainly work collaboratively in groups of four and will exchange their tasks with the partner schools online. Communication will be established using the TwinSpace platform and its forums and all tasks evaluated with a rubric. English will be used at all times and therefore, teachers will focus on the written and spoken form. In the mobilities, students will share, exchange and create different tasks that will enhance their educational learning.

The main objectives for learners are as follows:

– To understand and be able to communicate how lifestyle choices influence social, economic and environmental development.

– To understand the roles, rights, and duties of different actors in production and consumption. Learners will be able to communicate the need for sustainable strategies and practices regarding consumption and production.

– To be able to plan, implement, and evaluate sustainable consumption-related activities.

– To be able to challenge cultural and societal trends in consumption and production.

– To acquire a better understanding of the English language and improve communication skills, both orally and in written form, while using formal and informal registers.

– To be more competent at a digital level.

This project has in its essence some benefits for the community, such as:

–  An excellent framework for addressing controversial and complex local, national and international issues, especially those that present a global–local tension.

–  Sharing learning about the SDGs can engage and strengthen relationships with parents, communities and businesses and between these different groups.

–  Providing a context for, and link with, local community or business engagement projects, such as zero-waste initiatives, refugee support groups or biodiversity action plans.

–  Raising awareness of and support for local, national or global activities, such as pre-existing and ongoing community engagement, to achieve progress towards the SDG targets.

Students are very eager to start this new adventure together.

Diving Into Digital Language Learning (DIDLL) is the project we are going to be developing until June 2022.

The project will be carried out by schools from 6 countries: Italy (coordinator), Turkey, The Netherlands, Spain, Macedonia, Portugal, Turkey. After preliminary contacts on Etwinning and after discussing the importance of digital resources in language learning/teaching, we decided to create a partnership and we chose the name” Diving Into Digital Language Learning (DIDLL)” for the project to emphasize the ever increasing importance of technology for personal and professional growth.

The project stems from the necessity to improve digital and language skills by blending them together. Both teachers and students, particularly those who aren’t yet confident with the use of these resources, will hugely benefit from this project. In addition, inclusive education has become one of the priorities of all schools and that’s why this project gives high relevance to inclusion, as students with learning difficulties/disabilities usually have a positive approach towards digital devices. In particular students with neurological or medical conditions who have difficulty controlling writing utensils may find it easier to use a keyboard. Similarly, students with economic or social obstacles, who don’t have daily access to digital devices will also greatly benefit from this project as they will be given the opportunity to become more familiar with technology. The participants will also develop cultural awareness as they will interact with students of different nationalities. Each one of the partners will have a sense of belonging, with the same European values even though each and every one of us has a different background. This will lead to a common European identity.

The objectives are strictly related to the priorities. The first priority is to lead our students to improve their digital and linguistic skills in an open, innovative learning environment. As for the second priority, we aim to promote inclusive education, so that students with fewer opportunities, coming from disadvantaged social and /or economical backgrounds and those with learning difficulties or with a tendency to leave school early, can improve their digital and language skills. Many activities that promote social inclusion will be carried out. Of vital importance is the reduction of every kind of discrimination including gender-related disparities, social/racial discrimination, bullying and all kinds of violence. The third choice is related to our goal to strengthen the recruitment, selection and professional development of everyone involved in the educational system (teachers, trainers, administration staff etc.) through cross-cultural cooperation as there will be a mutual interaction among similiar types of institutions from different countries.

Approximately 120 students aged 12-16, and 60 teachers will be involved in the LTT activities. About 2200 students and members of the school community and more than double this number of parents of the students and a great number of Erasmus+ beneficiars/language learners will take part in the project directly or indirectly.


  • Using online games in foreign language learning.
  • Basic programming and robotics in English classes
  • The added value of Digital storytelling in the language classroom
  • Safe and wise use of the internet
  • The use of digital tests and quizzes in foreign language teaching
  • My Digital Kit: How to integrate technology into the language syllabus

Our partnership aims to develop interaction, promote innovation, exchange good practices, carry out peer and cooperative learning activities and have workshops and know-how among the organisations involved in education.

Results and impact:

Students will:

  • Improve their digital and language skills
  • Increase their cultural awareness
  • Develop a stronger European identity
  • Have a higher chance of entering the labour market
  • Become more confident, open-minded and sociable

Teachers will:

  • Learn new innovative ICT based teaching methods
  • Tools and methodologies
  • Strenghthen their professional profile
  • Exchange good practices

The participating schools will:

  • Have a more strategic and integrated use of ICT, open educational e-learning/teaching tools;
  • Increase motivation for language learning/teaching through innovative teaching methods,
  • Promote social inclusion
  • Increase their quality of education and training
  • Improve their provision and assessment of basic and transversal skills, language competences and media skills in the long run

The products of the project (App for mobile devices, Twinspace, Erasmus+ project results platform, website of the project, websites of the partner schools, digital calendar, online dictionary, videos, ebook) will live on long after the project is completed and will be regularly updated and enriched. We will promote our products to a great number of people and share our results in every possible way. Above all the participants will benefit from this project from a lifelong learning point of view.

The video below was prepared to celebrate the Erasmus Day 2020 to keep the flame alive: